The Journey of D Z Petcare

More Than a Pet Care Service – We're a Family

From Passion to Profession

Welcome to D Z Petcare, the place where your pet's well-being is our top priority, and where they're treated with the same love and care as family. Our founder's journey with animals started humbly, without a furry companion to call her own. Yet, a lifetime of adoring every dog in sight and a soulful connection with a rescue from North East Animal Shelter ignited a passion that would shape her future.

The 'D' in our name is a homage to Daisy, a golden retriever whose boundless joy and heartbreaking battle with cancer left a permanent mark on our hearts. The 'Z' stands for Zula, the pup who came into our founder's life and transformed it, instilling a sense of confidence and purpose. Together, they represent the love and dedication that fuels our mission.

Our Commitment:

Here at D Z Petcare, we understand that every pet has their own personality and needs. We pledge to provide a structured yet playful environment where your pet can thrive. Every wag, purr, or chirp is our responsibility, and we take that seriously.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise and Experience: Years of caring for and understanding animals.

Personalized Attention: Every pet's needs are met with customized care plans.

Community Roots: A local business that knows and loves the neighborhood pets.

Ready to join the D Z Petcare family? Let's embark on this journey together for the happiness and health of your beloved companion.

Contact Us

(781) 917-4349

40 Taylor St #2, Quincy MA 02170